Crafting up a storm. And some plants

Happy May everyone!

I’ve been working really hard to get a lot of products made because (dun-dun-dun-dunnnnnn) I’m going to be participating in the Lancaster City Artwalk this weekend! I will have a small table set up outside of Mommalicious and I’m super excited! I will have full-size journals, mini-journals, and notecards for sale. Here’s a sneak peak at 2 of the note card designs I will be showing off! I’m hoping to get my name out there this weekend, so if you’re in the area come visit on Sunday from 11-4!



And as promised, I was talking about our little city garden last week, so here are photos of some of our house plants!


Aloe Vera that we got from Husband’s workplace



A jade cutting that my brother gave to me from his plant



A teeny-tiny Meyer Lemon Tree, which will produce lemons (hopefully) in about 8-10 years. This one also came from my brother, who grew it from a seed that came from a lemon he bought at the store!



A Wandering Jew plant, which also came from my brother



BASIL! My favorite plant to grow because it’s easy and I put basil in everything. Can’t wait for those tiny leaves to multiply this summer!



And Spearmint. We love drinking fresh meadow tea, so we bought a little plant at market and put it in a window box in hopes that it would spread, and we already have seen a little shoot sprout up next to it.

We have some other plants (all flowers) that I didn’t photograph just for the sake of the length of this post, and the fact that they’re all still so tiny they’re not really exciting yet, but they could crop up in some other entries, so keep an eye out!

I’m always on the look out for good gardening tips, so if you’ve got any in relation to any of the above plants, leave a comment and let me know!